Anyone can occasionally be tone deaf. For others, it’s a chronic condition.
A lot of arrogant bosses have had their true nature caught on video recently. I find it both entertaining, as well as educational. Here’s a confession: I really like an occasional dose of schadenfreude. That’s the fun-to-say-out-loud word for taking pleasure in another’s misfortune. Please don’t take this the wrong way. I only enjoy it […]
What it Really Takes to Lead
This is the one characteristic that distinguishes a leader from a manager. Learn what underpins all other leadership skills. What’s your management style? Seems like a basic question, I know. However, the way a person answers it reveals a lot about their level of self-awareness. This is because managers rarely receive objective feedback from their […]
Businesses Can’t Do Everything Well
Caution! The following terms may make you feel queasy: Accounting, I.T., Marketing, H.R. If you’re breaking out in a cold sweat then you’re definitely a small business owner. As a business owner, the chances are that you’re pretty good at something. In fact, I’ll bet your business delivers an outstanding product or service to its […]
You Will Piss Off a Customer
As the saying goes, “you can please some of the people all of the time, you can please all of the people some of the time, but you can’t please all of the people all of the time.” This is true in every sphere of human interaction. For our purposes here, we’ll stick with how […]
How to Benefit from Good Advice
It’s getting harder to buy a lot of products these days. We see how supply chain disruptions across the planet are impacting business’ ability to obtain materials at the price they want, and within the timeframe they need. But one thing we’ll never see a shortage of is advice. It’s on bookshelves, YouTube, and in […]
The Benefits of Collaboration Now
I had my belief in the benefits of collaboration re-ignited. The mesmerizing coverage of the SpaceX Resilience launch showed me what people can do when they get collaboration right!
Is it Safe to Come Out Yet?
The damage to business from the global pandemic is just beginning. Instead of waiting for positive signs, use a better method to manage risk in your business.
COVID-19 Crisis: This is Real
The COVID-19 crisis is growing rapidly. Businesses across all sectors need to actively respond immediately to protect themselves from the economic hit.
Hire Slow, But Hurry Up!
Business owners can make better hires by applying basic sales principles to their recruiting activity. Effective hiring requires a process.